Sonja Ceri

Sonja Ceri

Sonja Ceri is a dynamic professional with a multifaceted background in marketing, technology, and sustainability. With over a decade of experience spanning digital and traditional media, Sonja’s suite of skills as a strategic marketer and a seasoned director has...
Dr Rob Webster

Dr Rob Webster

In 2014 Dr Rob Webster became a specialist in veterinary emergency medicine and critical care. Rob has been working full-time as an emergency vet for 14 years, and his training was conducted from 2006 to 2012. His mentors were both world regarded specialists: Dr...
Dr Rod Meehan

Dr Rod Meehan

Once Rod Meehan graduated from university in 1991 he worked in the United Kingdom for two years. He then partnered in a multi-practice veterinary group on the Gold Coast for 12 years. This was followed with a sabbatical to Japan for 12 months and upon returning, Dr...